Tumbling Through the Rabbit Hole...
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6dp5dt after FET#2..

Posted by Haisla Sunday, 31 January 2016

...and I get this:

A thin whisper of a line and it appears I may be a little bit pregnant again

I tested this afternoon, so the result is extra light, perhaps with FMU it would be a tad darker?

The only reason I tested this early (as you may know, I am not a POAS kind of girl unless I have symptoms to encourage me or I absolutely have to) was because my wee started smelling funny two days ago (sorry if this is TMI). I woke up the other night twice to go to the toilet and noticed a strange pungent smell (the only way I can describe it) in my wee and it resembled something I'd noticed  during the very early days of my first pregnancy, but had since forgotten. It was only when I re-smelt it that it came back to me.

So after that night, every time I went to the loo I kept on furiously sniffing around after peeing (gross, I know), just to see whether I'd made up the 'scent' in my head. Well, it turns out I hadn't.

Apart from that I haven't really had many symptoms that I could not put down to progesterone. I'm maybe a little bit more tired than usual  and my sense of smell is super heightened but that's about it. I've had a few bouts of unbelievable hunger (to the point where I once woke up at 5am to cook pasta) and a few very fleeting moments of mild nausea. Apart from that nada.

Truth be told, I am just thrilled to be pregnant again. After our last failed FET I was beginning to wonder whether our one pregnancy had just been a fluke; our one good egg.

It would be great to get at least a little further than we did last time, obviously preferably all the way to the birth of a healthy baby.

However, I am holding on to a large chunk of realism here. We're at 6 days post transfer. We've got 4 years of infertility behind us, four failed IUIs, one failed fresh cycle and  one failed FET. Babies: zero. But still, here we are, just a little bit pregnant again.

It's a potentially long hurdles race ahead of us, but I'm just going to try to take it one set of hurdles at a time, however far that takes us. No point in worrying about things at this point.

And at least we've got the back up plan of immune testing & treatments, if this really doesn't work out. That in itself gives me hope. If my immune system is indeed attacking our beautiful embryos, at least we may find some ways to combat it.

But today's pee-stick is looking fairly promising. Last time the line was still this faint at 10dp5dt, so this may be a slightly more robust pregnancy. And those pee-sticks are only £3.50 for two (from Sainsbury's, apparently they detect hCG at 15mIU/ml), so I can afford to test every day if the mood takes me! : )

Anyway, the next step will be trying to get a blood pregnancy test out of my GP. I've got a feeling it won't be easy, as I think they normally only provide pee-sticks to confirm pregnancy (which is fine and dandy if you're a normal preggers person and not a hyper-sensitive infertile). I may try to pull the "Oh, I went through a suspected ectopic pregnancy (that resolved itself by itself) last time" card, or just have a good ol' hysterical hormone cry in front of the doctor. Not sure whether either of the two will work, but surely it's worth a try? If anyone has any experience of NHS GP's and blood pregnancy tests, please give me a shout!


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