Tumbling Through the Rabbit Hole...
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HCG has left the building

Posted by Haisla Saturday, 1 March 2014

So I decided to POAS. I'm not normally the POAS kind of girl. But this time I couldn't resist a little science experiment and the chance to see that elusive second line, that I've never seen as a result of my own urine hitting a stick. So it had to be done. I decided 6DPO would be a safe day, considering that I'd still have some HCG left  from the trigger shot circulating in my system. And then I POAS'd again on 7DPO and noticed that the second line was ever so slightly darker than the day before (see photographic evidence, not sure how well it can be seen on a computer screen). A short moment of cautious optimism followed, until I remembered that I'd left my water bottle at home that day and had suffered from terrible dehydration all day at work (I refuse to drink London water straight from the tap; call me fussy, but yuk), so the HCG levels probably had gotten super-concentrated as a result. So, yes, not an early pregnancy detection after all, just a little fluke in my testing system. And then today when I POAS'd the line had withered to pretty much a non-existent ghost of its former self.

So HCG has left the building. At least I seem to metabolise the substance fairly rapidly, which is good(?), I guess.  My initial plan was to carry on POASing each day leading up to AF, but have changed my mind, because a) it would potentially be a huge waste of money and b) also potentially extremely depressing. So I think I'll just wait patiently for AF to arrive (please no), whilst taking a single peestick with me to the conference for an emergency situation, should my period not start at its usual 13DPO.

In terms of symptoms (which it's probably far too early to be spotting) I've felt all sorts of pulls and twinges in the pelvic / vajjaj region, but that's nothing unusual for an endo sufferer. A month with no pelvic pain sensations would be something to marvel at, but having twinges is the norm and (I try tell myself) not indicative of anything at all. 

So that's what's up in Endoland at the moment. Getting bored and fidgety and trying to entertain / distract myself with science experiments. I don't know if anyone else recognises this compulsive kind of behaviour from their TWWs? The compulsion to DO something, anything, no matter how futile. No? Just me then..


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